Release Notes: Email Notification & Output Formats
Our most recent release provides format updates, Notification updates, style updates, and lots more. See what has changed and how to work with the new features.
Posted on December 5, 2017 by Billy S.
Our most recent release provides format updates, Notification updates, style updates, and lots more. See what has changed and how to work with the new features.
Posted on November 27, 2017 by Billy S.
A common question we receive is how to add formatting items to results in either the Results Table or Notifications. Since the result information is only text, regular formatting items like headers or separator bars aren't included because they're more than text. With only text to work with, is it possible to add hidden formatting items to make results easier to read?
Yes, by adding a Hidden Field item after each Heading item or Page Break item, form builders can add text as hidden formatting items to every result. Text, page numbers, piping codes, and more!
Posted on November 21, 2017 by Billy S.
Collecting orders for products and services is a popular use for Formsite forms and our extensive list of order form items. In addition to the pricing items, a few additional items allow form builders to include order form additions and discount amounts:
Posted on November 15, 2017 by Billy S.
Formsite makes it easy to be a customer with our friendly pricing, guaranteed satisfaction, and pay-as-you-go plans. Among major fears reported by online customers, the fear of hidden charges and confusing contracts tops the lists. Our service costs are completely transparent and are set up to avoid those fears.
The cornerstone of Formsite's friendly pricing is the 14-day Free Pro Trial. Try Formsite for 14 days with no obligation, no fees, and no credit card required. The Pro Trial lets all new customers try the system at the Pro 2 service level for two full weeks. Create forms, set up email notifications, and collect results while testing the integrations, Workflow, payment processing, and more.
Posted on November 6, 2017 by Billy S.
Every Formsite form collects results in its Results Table, with each row as a separate result. Navigating the Results Table is easy for new form owners and learning how it works can make it powerful, too.
Sorting, filtering, customizing columns, and viewing individual results are the tip of the iceberg. Form owners can also:
Posted on October 30, 2017 by Billy S.
An excellent use of Formsite forms is as a landing page for collecting leads. Landing pages are often cornerstone content where customers can get the most relevant content regarding the site’s products or services. Another common landing page strategy is to place unique content that includes a contact form where visitors can request more information.
Regardless of whether the page is available to anyone who reaches the site or limited to specific campaigns, tracking the visitor’s referrer is essential. The referrer is the URL from the page where the visitor linked to the landing page. Knowing where the leads come from can help to optimize the lead generation campaigns and grow the overall traffic.
Posted on October 23, 2017 by Billy S.
A primary factor for many Formsite customers is the ability to instantly make a new form that contains all of the required parts. Web forms are fundamentally web pages after all, and setting up the file structure can be troublesome and time-intensive if you don’t do it all the time. An essential and powerful part of the web page is the HTML Head area. This group of HTML elements contains many of the page’s critical links and definitions.
Some examples of the data included in the HTML Head include:
Posted on October 16, 2017 by Billy S.
A powerful and popular Formsite feature is the automated system for connecting forms, which we call Workflow. We have recently published some Workflow enhancements to help make this popular feature even more usable. For those who are unfamiliar with the Workflow feature, an example of a Workflow is an approval process:
The Workflow enhancements for the most recent release includes:
Posted on October 9, 2017 by Billy S.
One of Formsite’s most popular features is the ability to send an email after every successful form submission. Our Notifications allow form builders to send multiple emails in a variety of formats and completely customize the message and results sent. A common use for the notification message is to create a custom email receipt with the visitor’s answers.
Passing the form answers to the email allows form owners to make personalized messages with the visitor’s responses and is possible using the form items’ pipe codes.
Posted on October 2, 2017 by Billy S.
A new feature recently added to all Formsite service levels is the ability for multiple file uploads with a single File Upload item. This feature addition eliminates the previous need to add multiple File Upload items to accommodate multiple file uploads.
This feature enhancement comes as a giant step forward in form usability for customers who require multiple files. Many customers have forms requiring multiple attachments for each form result. Before now, the File Upload item limited each item to one file per upload.