
Signup Form Templates for Easy Online Registrations

Formsite’s templates cover a wide range of online form needs like registration and signup forms. These templates let form visitors add their information to the list as an attendee, volunteer, or other interested party. The signup form templates give form owners examples of form questions and designs to get started fast.

Registration forms and signup forms share many similarities like collecting essential contact information. A signup form usually appears as a less-formal way to join or otherwise show interest in a group or event. Registration forms are more formal and often collect proof of identity or ownership, as with registering a vehicle.

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CRM Integrations for Online Forms

Formsite CRM integrations

Connect online forms to thousands of other services using Formsite’s Zapier integration. One type of service with many options is the category for Customer Relationship Management, or CRM for short.

CRM services organize customer records for use with sales and marketing primarily. Examples include tracking lead generation campaigns or keeping in touch using an email drip campaign. CRM systems can also track customer orders and serve as a relationship history, too.

Features of CRM Systems

  • Create or Update Contact
  • Add Company
  • Create Task or Ticket
  • Add to Campaign
  • Enter Score, Tag, or Note

Form owners can send form results to a connected system after receiving the result. Formsite has a built-in integration with Salesforce, one of the most popular CRM services available.

The Zapier integration lets form owners connect to other systems and specify what data to use to create contacts, companies, or campaigns.

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Template Additions: Application Forms, Order Forms & More

Formsite template additions

Formsite’s template area offers form owners fast and easy browsing for online form templates. Search using keywords for templates or browse by industry and type, or choose one that suits your style. Our newest template additions offer form owners an even wider range of choices.

Use the form builder to customize the template to include images or your custom brand style. Combine templates or copy item blocks from other forms for the perfect online form for your needs.

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New Style Updates, Excel Numbers, Bulk Updating, & More

Formsite 2021 updates

Formsite has published several updates that don’t warrant individual posts but are still notable. These updates include usability enhancements for building forms, new style updates and more.

Excel Number Formats

A previous update fixed the Excel formatting for exported results to apply number formats to number items. The recent update added currency formatting for the form’s Amount column. Now, form owners can see the order amounts in exported results without needing to update the formats in Excel.

The currency settings should use the user’s local currency choice for their computer. For example, if the local language settings use a European locale then the currency will default to the Euro.

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Styling Online Forms with New Themes, Settings, and CSS

Formsite Styling online forms

Formsite forms have styling options for forms of all kinds. Whether you’re looking to make a fast great-looking form or have strict brand guidelines, our system can help. The form editor’s Style pages lets form owners use built-in themes, customize the settings, or use CSS code. The Style pages include:

  • Themes and Colors: Built-in styling by our professional designers
  • Customize: Settings for virtually every form element
  • Advanced: Add links to your site’s styles or edit the CSS
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Online Store Templates for Easy E-commerce

Formsite online store templates

Formsite has templates for all kinds of business needs, including online store templates. Choose Formsite templates for making a new online store or adding online ordering to an existing store. Examples of templates available include:

Any kind of product or service can display as custom images or in a list of related items. Form owners can add options for customization and follow-up questions. Conditional logic shows extra selections or redirects to other pages.

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Create an Excel Integration for Online Forms

Formsite Excel integration

Formsite’s Google Sheets integration is a popular and useful tool for many customers. Some customers use Microsoft products, however, and use Zapier as a solution. Using Zapier, they connect their online forms for a custom Microsoft Excel integration.

As with Google Sheets, the Excel integration updates a specified spreadsheet with new results. Some useful ideas include:

  • Use as a data backup
  • Share results with colleagues
  • Create custom analytics charts and graphs
  • Make custom reports with statistics and equations
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Billions of forms submitted