
Add Print Buttons to Online Forms & Surveys

Occasionally form owners ask how to add a print button on the form or Success Page. The typical scenario for printing begins with organizations wanting an offline way to collect results. For example, if the organization has customers at an event or gathering where offline completion is easier.

Formsite add print button

Order forms, registration forms, surveys, etc. are all possible to print and complete. Once the form owner receives the completed printed forms, they can input the results through the form or in bulk using the Results -> Import function.

The form owner can print the blank form or save as a PDF file, or provide instructions for the visitor to print. See how a little custom code can display a print button or replace the submit button entirely.

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Create Word Documents from Form Results

Formsite create Word documents

A consistently popular feature for Formsite form owners is the ability to create PDF documents from form results. Form owners connect the form to an uploaded PDF template file to receive custom-formatted results. As an evolution of this popular feature, form owners now have the ability to create Word documents, too.

Custom documents from form results make many tasks easy, like:

  • Personalized documents, contracts, etc.
  • Easily shared and printed results
  • Requests and receipts on letterhead
  • Lots more!
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G Suite Shared Drive for Results & File Sharing

Formsite’s Google Drive and Sheets integrations recently received an upgrade! Google’s G Suite helps organizations with collaboration and productivity tools. Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Drive among others let organizations share cloud storage. The G Suite Shared Drive lets members view and edit files in the drive without the need to share each file separately.

What's the difference? With individual Google accounts, users create and share Google Docs, Sheets, and Drive files with specific people. Other sharing options include an entire domain or even public.

Formsite G Suite Shared Drive

Individuals belonging to a G Suite organization, however, can create and contribute to the shared drives. Instead of each person setting each file’s permissions, this lets a group of people access a common area with permissions set by the owner.

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Collect Signatures on Forms and Surveys

Formsite collect signatures example

Some online forms need a signature, such as contracts, application forms, and approvals. The form captures the signature through a mouse or touch-enabled device and saves it as an image. Formsite’s Signature item allows forms at all account levels to collect signatures on their online forms and surveys.

Signatures appear as links in the form's Results Table like other images. Clicking the link to the image in the Results Table opens the image for viewing. Signature images share some similarities and differences with files uploaded to the form:


  • Both appear as links in the Results Table
  • Images and Signatures display as inline images in the Table format. This is the default format for viewing individual results, Notifications, and PDFs.
  • Mapped and displayed with custom PDFs and Workflows


  • Cannot delete them from the Results Table like uploaded files
  • Signatures do not get sent through the file integrations
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Send Email After Successful Payments

Formsite send email after successful payments

Formsite order forms allow form owners to collect payments for products or services. The payment integrations enable PayPal payments, credit cards, or paying by check for convenience. Sending receipts commonly occurs after successful payments using the form’s Notifications settings. Form owners can set the form to send email after successful payments or before, depending on the need.

Some examples of Notifications with order forms are:

  • Order receipts (after the successful payment)
  • Donation Thank-you (before the payment)
  • Recurring subscription (before and after the payment)
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WordPress Plugin for Embedding Forms With a Shortcode

Formsite forms are popular with website building services like WordPress, in part due to the easy embedding. Form owners can copy and paste the embed code provided with every form to display the form on the website. Viewing the form as part of the site itself makes for a seamless and convenient user experience. The WordPress plugin makes it even easier for WordPress sites to display Formsite forms.

Formsite WordPress plugin example

Most website building sites have ways to add HTML and/or Javascript code. Some examples are:

  • Raw HTML or script plugins
  • Iframe widgets
  • Text editors
  • Template files

WordPress provides a way to use plugins to include content with their own code, called shortcodes. Formsite’s WordPress plugin lets site builders embed their forms anywhere using a shortcode.

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Form URL Directories and Customizing Form Links

Formsite makes building online forms easy and every form has a unique link. The form URL directories identify the account and form to display, and URLs are unique for every form. Creating a Formsite account assigns random character values for the directories initially. Account owners looking to customize the directory values can do that, too.

Formsite form url example

Reasons to customize the Formsite form link include:

  • Branding compliance
  • Differentiate separate forms
  • Descriptive titles
  • Use a new form at the same link

Modifying the URL isn't the only way to create a custom URL. Form owners can also embed their forms into another website, making the form accessible at a completely custom link. For customers looking to customize the form link, keep reading to see how it's done.

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Assign Scores to Choices and Answers

Creating surveys, quiz forms, and order forms sometimes requires some extra processing. For example, a quiz will need to track correct answers and display the number or percentage correct. Many form types need to assign scores to answers and Formsite’s Scoring feature lets form owners do that.

Formsite assign scores example

Some examples of scoring needs include:

  • Surveys: Score each answer in a scale to get a ‘weighted’ total
  • Quizzes: Score correct and incorrect answers
  • Order forms: Assign scores to help with custom calculated costs
  • Advanced: Use scores to trigger rules
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Salesforce Integration Intro & Quick Start

Update: The Salesforce integration now sends files from File Upload items to the Salesforce record. Read about it on the Salesforce support page.

Formsite’s integrations let form owners connect online forms to other online services. The Salesforce integration, for example, allows form owners to create new Salesforce records from form submissions.

Salesforce lets organizations understand their customers through their data. They display the data to show customers' needs to help focus sales and marketing efforts. With Formsite, collecting data and creating new Salesforce records makes for a powerful customer data combo.

Formsite Salesforce integration example

New users of Salesforce often ask how to create new records, and Formsite forms provide a fast and easy way to collect customer data.

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Attach Mobile Photos to Online Form Submissions

Mobile devices have evolved beyond entertainment devices to personal tools. Virtually all services and online interfaces are usable, if not preferred, with smartphones and tablets. As a result, many leading services have adopted a ‘mobile first’ strategy to prioritize non-desktop experiences. Completing forms with mobile devices sometimes generates questions like how to attach mobile photos to a form submission.

Formsite attach mobile photos

As anyone with a mobile device knows, photos and videos have become common and plentiful. No longer limited to using words to communicate, mobile users often prefer to send photos or videos. Even emojis have evolved to communicate context when words are not enough, for instance.

What about completing online forms using mobile devices? A frequently asked question about online forms is how to attach mobile photos. Take as an example an event registration form that asks each registrant to upload their photo for their entry badge.

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Billions of forms submitted