Save and Return replaces Form Login
Save and Return is the new name for our Form Login feature. All existing functionality remains the same, only the name has changed to be more descriptive.
Save and Return Features
The Save and Return feature allows users to create accounts that are associated with their form results. A user can use their account to save a partial form result and return later to finish it, or to view past form results. You can create users’ accounts ahead of time, or allow users to create their own accounts. You can also customize how many times the user is allowed to return.
We have also added new functionality that allows you to manually assign (or reassign) a Save & Return account to an existing form result. To do this, go to your form’s “Results > Summary Table” page. Then, click on a result row’s Username column.
The Save & Return feature is available to all Pro 1 level or higher Formsite accounts.