
  • Daily Email Summary. Optionally, have an email sent every day to one or more email addresses stating the number of responses a particular form has received in the last 24 hours.
  • Mass Email. Send an email message to all of the people who have submitted a given form. This feature requires that you ask every user for their email address as well as receive permission to send them email. We provide the features to do this.
  • Email Field Constraints. You can now choose the fields that will be included when form results are emailed. This is useful for excluding certain information from being emailed such as credit card information.
  • Email Result Links. Links are now included with emailed form results that enable you to view a given form submission in "form context" (your form is displayed with the results filled in). There is a secure link as well as a standard link. For complex forms, this makes viewing the form submission much easier.
Billions of forms submitted