
In the spirit of the back to school season, we have added Scoring. Scoring points can be assigned to form items and a total score is calculated on a running basis as the user moves from page to page through your form. At the end of a form, the total score is available and can optionally be presented to the user. You can optionally show the user a scoring summary at the end of the form. We also have added the ability to include "explanations" on an item by item basis. When setting up Scoring, you can define a total point value for each item or you can define a different point value for each of an Item's choices.

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Custom Labels

Historically, the reports and data downloads from Formsite have used items' question text as identifiers. For example, a question on a form might be, "What is your first name?". Any reports and downloads would use "What is your first name?" as a column header or identifier. With this release, we enable you to define Custom Labels for each item on your form. So, you could define "first_name" to represent "What is your first name?".

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Scheduled Exports

In an effort to help our customers automate their business processes, we have added the ability to schedule exports of Formsite data. Scheduled exports can be set up daily, weekly, and monthly and contain either the full data set or results since the last export. You have the same format options as the immediate export including Excel, CSV, tab delimited, and custom delimiter.

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Server Post Integration

Integrations are hot right now and with this release we are introducing Server Post Integration, a way to have your Formsite form post data into another application immediately. So, when your form is submitted, not only is the data immediately stored in the Formsite database, but an HTTP Post is sent to the server of your choice with your data. This enables you to use the front end features of Formsite with your back end. The data posted can be in several formats including name/value pair, CSV, and XML.

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Modernized Form Look & Feel

We are excited to announce that we have completely overhauled the Look & Feel for new forms created at To keep things fresh, this is our fifth revision to the Look & Feel of our forms in ten years. Existing forms will remain unchanged unless you elect to change them. To keep up with the times, we have changed the default font, added spacing, added a drop shadow, added gradients, and updated our color schemes.

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New Form Items (Matrix Items, Coupon Code item etc.,)

Based on user requests, we are introducing 4 new form Items: Star Rating, Coupon Code, Dropdown Matrix, and Dropdown Multi-Scale Matrix. The Star Rating item enables the user to give an item a number of starts on a scale that you define. This Item could be used to have users rate a new movie from 1 to 5 stars.

For Order Forms, we have added a Coupon Code item that can represent a percentage or fixed dollar amount discount. You can define more than one Coupon Code per form. You can also setup a link to Pre-Populate the Coupon Code on your form. This enables you to setup a link from your page that could be something like "click here and save $5 on your order".

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Integration With

Update: The Salesforce integration now sends files from File Upload items to the Salesforce record. Read about it on the Salesforce support page.

We have developed a very powerful integration with enabling any Salesforce object to be mapped to a Formsite form, including custom objects. Our process is very slick in that we can automatically map your Formsite fields to a given Salesforce object. This means that you do not have to do the manual mapping and that you can have a Formsite form setup and integrated with Salesforce in just a few minutes.

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Integration With Google Spreadsheets + Google Spreadsheets = lots of power. There is no doubt that Google has tremendous functionality in their Google Apps suite and we are now providing you the ability to use a Formsite form to populate a Google Spreadsheet in real-time. This means that you can have your Google Spreadsheet open in your browser and watch in real-time as your results come in. There is no need to refresh your spreadsheet, the results will automatically show. This integration opens up all types of possibilities with respect to sharing data with others. You can share your Google spreadsheet data with others via the Google share feature enabling others to see the form data you collect.

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Additional User Accounts

Many of our users informally share the username/password to their account among a small group of people. There is no problem with this and we support it. However, we are introducing a feature that will enable you to gain more control over sharing your account. We are introducing a new Additional Users feature that will enable you to define additional users for your account. You can control whether individual users can only view the form and its results, or update them also.

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Account Activity Logging

With Additional User Accounts now enabling multiple people to access forms and data, it is time to show an audit log of actions taken within your account including logins, form creation, form deletion, results deletion, etc. We store the User taking the action, their IP address, and the action they took along with the date/time the action was taken. You can view by logging into your account and going to “Account->Log”.

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Billions of forms submitted