Restore Recently Deleted Forms

Everyone makes mistakes. When you delete a form, you now have up to 7 days to restore it. On your account's My Forms page, see the folders dropdown list at the top-right of the forms table, then select Deleted Forms to show and restore any recently deleted forms.

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White Label Service

In addition to our Custom Form Domain service *, Formsite now offers a full White Label service. The White Label version of is for businesses that want to offer Formsite functionality as their own. You can rebrand our service using your logo, company name, domain, etc.

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New Choice Editor

Formsite has a new choice editor for multiple choice items. Previously, choices were stored by position; adding or removing choices would cause data in stored results to shift, potentially causing inaccuracies. The new choice editor tracks choice changes and updates stored results accordingly.

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New Calculations Feature

Have you ever needed your form to calculate a value based on a user's input? With our new Calculations feature, your form can now do this.

For example, if you have a text field for "length" and a text field for "width", you can set up an equation that multiplies these fields together to calculate a user's square footage value.

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New Running Total Item

Our new Running Total item allows you to add running totals to your Order Forms. Sometimes you may want users to immediately see their current order total, without having to first complete the remainder of your form.

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Coolest Phone Call (from Redfoo) in 14 Years of FormSite

I've got a cool story to tell. No, it wasn't the Google calling to buy us out. It was early this year and I was feeling great about all we've got lined up for 2012 at Formsite. I was in my office answering email and listening to music. Since I have a private office, I often work with my music turned up pretty loud. I was listening to "Party Rock Anthem" by LMFAO when the phone rang. My kids love the song "Party Rock" and it was one of my "money" songs that helped push me through finishing Chicago Marathon in 2011. I would say it was probably my favorite song at the time my phone was ringing.

I go to pick up the ringing phone and I accidentally drop my phone headset. Scrambling to pick up the headset and get it adjusted, I don't have time to hit the mute button on my music. I answer the phone "Hello this is Randy" while "Party Rock" is blaring in the background. I hit the mute button and the guy on the other end of the phone says, "This is RedFoo from LMFAO."

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Enhanced Form Login Features

For those unfamiliar, our Form Login feature allows form users to create accounts that are associated with their form results. This can be used for save and return functionality or to restrict a form to a list of designated users.

Previously, each user account could only have one associated form result. If the user returned after completing the form, they could only update their original result instead of starting a new one. With the enhanced Form Login, we have now added an option to allow multiple form results.

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Notifications Page Renovated

One of our most popular features is Notifications, which can send out emails when a form is submitted. As such, we often add new features or functionality to Notifications. You can't argue with that, right? Well, the downside is that over time, our once clean-and-simple design for its settings page ballooned out a little bit, and we felt it got in the way of using all those great new features.

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Billions of forms submitted