Sub-users Setup, Permissions & Best-practices

Formsite sub-users menuThe ability to give someone access to a Formsite account without turning over full ownership is a popular and useful one for many organizations. Whether there are multiple departments that share the account or clients who need the ability to see their forms without seeing others’, the sub-users feature enables all that and more.

What is a sub-user?

  • A sub-user is an account with access to the Formsite account, with permissions to access forms and results.
  • A sub-user is not a visitor to your form.
  • A sub-user is not a Save & Return account.
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Release notes: Track Visitor Fall-off, New Themes & More

Our latest release includes the normal behind-the-scenes updates along with a few visible ones, including:

  • Fall-off Statistics
  • New Themes & Colors
  • Coupon code limit option

Formsite release analyticsNew Analytics Tool

The leading news in the latest release is the addition of a new analytics chart showing form visitor fall-off, which shows where in your form your incomplete results occur. This chart is available with forms containing multiple pages and shows the highest page your visitors complete.

This is useful when optimizing your forms for maximum conversions and when troubleshooting high abandon rates or incomplete results.

Formsite release fall-off statistics

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Form Editor Tips for Faster Form Building & Editing

Formsite form editor tips multi-select editWhether you’re new to Formsite or a veteran form builder, learning new form editor tips can help you create and manage your forms more efficiently.

For example, did you know that you can add a new item to the next available position in your form with a double-click? The drag-and-drop editor is useful for designing and editing your form, but nothing beats the double-click for adding items to your form fast.

Our top form editor tips are:

  1. Multi-select your form items
  2. Copy items & styles from other forms
  3. Paste your answers
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Calculation Item or Running Total Item: Differences & Use

Making forms that calculate a value, like order forms and registration forms, will use the Calculation item or Running Total item to show the calculated total. These items appear to be identical on the form but they are very different in actual use. Each has its best use and while it may be possible to use one for the other, many problems can be avoided with a little up-front knowledge.

The Basics

Formsite Order Form TotalThe Running Total item is used to display the actual order total when creating order forms. Regardless of how complex your form may be, the Running Total item automatically keeps track of all selected quantities, percentage calculations, coupon codes, and any other factors that affect the order total.

The Calculation item is used to process a custom equation in a single step and may use an item value, number, or score as the equation values. The value that results is the result of the equation and can be formatted as currency but does not have to be.

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Allow Multiple Answers on Your Formsite Form

Formsite Multiple Answer Text ListMany forms have a need to support entering more than one name or block of information, whether it’s for a registration form, order form, or any information collection form. For example, signing up players on a team or event attendees needs to be able to capture a list of names and keep them organized under the primary result. Here are some methods to allow visitors to add multiple answers to your Formsite form, along with some things to consider.

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Responsive Image Tips & Troubleshooting

Formsite responsive imageBuilding your form to be responsive on mobile devices is easy with Formsite, but sometimes adding a responsive image can be tricky. There are a couple of ways to add images using your Form Editor and each method uses the same underlying code to display them correctly, and when that code is incorrect you can see problems like:

  1. Too big or too small images
  2. Out-of-proportion images (stretched or squished)
  3. Blurry images
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See our new look! About the Redesign

The new redesign of is a great step for us as we continue to evolve. The site has been rebuilt from scratch to be fast and fully responsive for modern browsers and devices.

Formsite redesign

See the new site ›

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Use your Formsite Log to show your account events

Formsite User menu -> LogKeeping track of your Formsite account can be challenging at times, especially if you have multiple people using the same account or if you have Sub-users. Luckily there’s a built-in page that tracks the major actions in your account located on the User menu -> Log page.

A single-user Formsite account will usually not need to refer to it, but accounts with multiple users and/or Sub-users can find it useful for keeping track of user actions.

The log keeps a running list of account actions like:

  • Logins by username and IP address
  • New forms created
  • Forms deleted
  • Results exported
  • Individual results deleted
  • Bulk results deleted
  • Mass email sent


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Calculations for Order Forms & Custom Calculators

Formsite custom calculatorOne of the many features that makes Formsite popular and powerful is the Calculations item. This item lets form builders perform basic mathematical equations on form answers, then uses the equation result later in the form.

Our Order Form items make building order forms simple and the Calculations item isn't needed in those cases. If the simple order form items aren't enough, however, the Calculations item lets you specify a custom equation.

Some uses for calculations include:

  • Adding product options
  • Order additions (tax, shipping, etc.)
  • Scoring calculations
  • Custom calculators
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Server Post Basics & Getting Started

Server Post allows you to point your Formsite form submission to another server where you can take your form data and do with it whatever you want. Some examples of things you can do with that data include:
  • Storing in your own database
  • Connecting to a third-party API
  • Logging in to your site and passing more information
  • Displaying custom content based on form answers
Formsite Server Post The possibilities are virtually endless. Getting started with Server Post only requires some patience and a little bit of programming.
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Billions of forms submitted