Secure Forms, SSL, & Other Form Security Answers

Formsite secure formsForm security is a constant topic at Formsite and a daily source of questions. Regardless of the type or amount of information being collected, secure forms are provided to every account at every service level. The most common questions we receive about secure forms include:
  • How do I know if I have secure forms?
  • Are embedded forms secure?
  • What is ‘Security Compliance’?
  • Who needs HIPAA-compliance?
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Recurring Billing Forms for Installments & Subscriptions

Formsite recurring billingOrder forms for one-time payments like event registrations, product order forms, and other single transactions use the standard payment processing setup, but sometimes it’s necessary to create a repeating charge. Some examples of forms with recurring billing include subscription fees, membership renewals, or installment payments.

Setting up an online recurring order form is easy with Formsite and the payment integrations with PayPal and

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Password Protection Methods & Use

Controlling access to forms and results is essential for many form owners, and Formsite provides several places where authentication can be required. Password protection is the most common way to authenticate form visitors and result recipients.

Formsite password entry

Password-protecting the form is typically needed when access needs to be offered to a controlled group of visitors. A business employee form is one example where the results needs to be restricted to a specific group, and applying a password to the form is the fastest way to guarantee only qualified access.

Places where they are available are:

  • Form password
  • Save & Return
  • Email secure link
  • Reports password
  • Require login to access files
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Custom Text for Personalized & Multi-Language Forms

Formsite custom textCustomizing the form text that isn't accessible in the Form Editor can help make a form easier to complete and understand. One example is setting custom text for the submit button from ‘Submit’ to ‘Complete Your Registration’, which can help keep form visitors informed of their progress.

Every form has its own separate page under the Form Settings -> Custom Text page, and editing the text and phrases there is an easy way to fine-tune the form. Whether fine-tuning includes a complete translation to another language or smaller customizations, the Custom Text page allows form builders to target form visitors with precise and clear text.

The kinds of information on the Custom Text page include text for:

  • Buttons
  • Messages & Errors
  • Currency symbols
  • Email labels
  • Inventory labels
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Custom Code Item For Scripts & Custom HTML

Formsite custom codeFormsite’s Custom Code item is used to add custom Javascript and HTML to a form for those times when extra code is needed that isn’t built into the form editor. The most common request is to add tracking code to get more information about how visitors use the form. Other uses include:

  • Google Analytics & Facebook tracking
  • Google Translate
  • Custom Print button
  • Embed videos
  • Visitor referrer
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Align Your Formsite Form to Left, Right & Center

We occasionally get questions asking how to change the alignment of the form from the default left-aligned to center-aligned or right-to-left (RTL). The form editor aligns the form items to the left normally but there are circumstances where form builders want to align the items to the center or the right.

  • Center-aligned forms are most commonly requested when the form is embedded into the customer’s site where the design requires a center-aligned form.
  • Right-aligned or RTL forms are commonly requested by customers needing a solution to display the form in a language that is read right-to-left.
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Order Review Page: How to Customize & Other Tips

Formsite order forms give form builders many powerful tools for accepting orders and payments. A feature of our system is the automatic Order Review page that is added to the end of every order form that displays the order details and the payment methods set up by the form owner.

Formsite order review

The Order Review page is a common source of questions like:

  • How do I modify the order summary table?
  • Can I modify the order items and quantities?
  • How do I add content to the order summary page?
  • How do I skip the order summary page?
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Piping How-to & Tips for Dynamic Formsite Forms

Formsite pipingPiping is one of the most powerful tools available to form builders, as it allows for viewing and using form answers later in the form. The ability to collect and insert values into messages, other form fields, and file names lets form builders create dynamic systems for personalization and organization.

Formsite's methods for piping include features that allow form owners to target system data, set default text, and chain together multiple pipe codes to construct complex personalization or naming values.

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File Upload for Collecting Files with Formsite Forms

Some form owners have the need to collect uploaded files with their form results, as with registration forms, expense reports, contest entry forms, and many others. The File Upload item allows Formsite form builders to accept attachments with their forms. The most basic use of the item is easy to grasp, but there are some additional considerations and techniques that can be used to increase the usefulness of the File Upload item.

Formsite file upload sample

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