Formsite Celebrates 22 Years of Online Forms & Surveys

Formsite celebrates 22 years

Thank you to all Formsite customers for choosing Formsite over the last 22 years! We continue our unbroken streak of growth in customers, revenue, profit, traffic, and payments processed for 22 years straight. Formsite remains 100% bootstrapped and are proud to provide service on our own terms.

We have worked hard over the past year to continue evolving Formsite’s features including:

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Feedback Form Templates & Program Surveys

Formsite’s feedback form templates help organizations collect program information from their users. Many organizations have developed or increased their use of online tools in response to the global epidemic. Tools like e-learning, remote work, and cloud collaboration may have required an unexpected amount of work to build and learn. Feedback forms and surveys let program owners gather opinions and suggestions for improvement.

Formsite feedback form templates example

Examples of feedback forms include:

Feedback Form Templates

Collecting user information about programs allows managers to test ideas and gauge satisfaction. Whatever the program, having a way to receive feedback is crucial for evaluation.

Templates for evaluation and suggestion forms contain items to collect opinions or comments, and are often anonymous. See our previous article about tips and techniques for collecting anonymous feedback. Common ways to collect ratings include Likert scales (agree or disagree) or numerical (1-10).

Elements of Feedback Forms & Surveys

Formsite templates let form owners find examples of online forms by industry and type, then copy the template as a new form. Browsing the templates also shows each form’s style for design inspiration. Collecting feedback can be a wide or narrow scope so further customization is usually needed.

Formsite feedback form templates star rating

Look for a form that contains some items or designs for a starting point, then add, edit, or remove items to complete the new form. The Radio Button Matrix and Star Matrix are the most common items for collecting numerical ratings.

Collecting results and storing in the form’s Results Table provides a clear picture over time. Export the results to use with other analysis programs or use the built-in Results -> Analytics pages for a built-in comparison. Use the Scoring features to provide a numerical weighting for each answer, then trigger Rules for more features.

How to Use Online Feedback Templates

  1. Find the templates pages in the Templates area by industry or type.
  2. Click the Get This Form button on a template to copy the form to your account.
  3. Another way to copy a form template is to log in to a Formsite account, click the Create New Form button, then browse the available templates. Choose the template to start with and click the button to create a copy in the account.
  4. Use the form editor to add, delete, and edit the form items to customize the form.
  5. Send out the form’s link found on the Share page or use the embed code to display on another site.
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Stripe Update: Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Support

Formsite Stripe Strong Customer Authentication

Upcoming regulations for European customers require Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for qualifying online transactions. In preparation for the new programs, Formsite has updated its Stripe payment integration to the SCA-ready version.

Strong Customer Authentication is a European program to help make online payments more secure. As part of the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2), SCA requires extra info to complete payments.

Like 2-factor authentication, SCA requires 2 of 3 of the following:

  1. Something the customer knows (password, PIN, etc.)
  2. Something the customer has (device)
  3. Something the customer is (fingerprint)
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Nonprofit Form Templates & Examples

Formsite nonprofit form templates example

Formsite online form templates help form owners build new nonprofit forms fast. Our templates area lets form builders search for templates by type or industry and start with an exact copy. Nonprofit (or non-profit) organizations frequently use forms like:

Types of Forms Used by Nonprofits

Organizations with nonprofit status use form items that share attributes with other forms types. A few types like nonprofit forms include order forms, registration forms, and HR forms. For example, collecting pledges and online donations uses order form items to calculate prices.

Registration forms and order forms use Inventory settings to limit the total number of results received. The settings prevent over-selling or over-booking by limiting the choices in the Results Table.

Human Resources forms use Notifications to send results using conditional logic and other rules. This logic validates answers to make sure the right people get the right information.

Formsite nonprofit form templates conditional logic

Using Nonprofit Form Templates

An easy way to build an online nonprofit form begins at Form owners can browse the templates and click the Get This Form button to copy the template to their account.

Another way to find nonprofit form templates:

  1. Log in to a Formsite account, click the Create New Form button, then look through the list of templates.
  2. Choose a template with items or styles like the ones needed, then click the button to start with that template.
  3. Use the form editor to edit the template items and add or delete items as needed.
  4. New Formsite customers or those needing a refresher, the Getting Started video shows how the form editor works.
  5. Find the form’s link on the Share page and paste into an email or post on a website or social media site for visitors to complete.


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Contactless Payments Made Easy with Formsite

Formsite contactless payments

Formsite order forms let people make forms to pay for products and services online. Even for taking orders in person, online forms make it easy to collect payments and send receipts. With tools like Pre-populated forms and integrated payments, Formsite makes contactless payments easy.

As the global pandemic becomes our new normal we have learned that minimizing contact with larger numbers is our only way forward. For many people, though, public interaction is the only way to collect payments. For example, garage sales, flea markets, and storefronts that rely on foot traffic. Also for on-site services like lawn care, contractors, or temporary help. Without a company’s infrastructure, many small and local businesses need ways to collect payments.

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Human Resources Form Templates for Employee & HR Forms

See online form templates for Human Resources in our new templates area. Human Resources form templates make it easy for offices to collect information for all employees. Use HR templates to track employee needs, scheduling requests, and multi-step approvals.

Formsite human resources form templates

Some examples of HR forms include:

Features of HR Forms

HR forms are unique due to the internal nature of the form visitors. Employees, vendors, contractors, and even shareholders are possible users of HR forms. This allows HR form owners to create forms using information relating to their specific organization.

HR forms have a frequent need to send to multiple internal departments, which makes the Email Routing items especially useful. One feature of the Email Routing item lets form owners list multiple addresses for a single choice, making sending email to a group of addresses easy.

Other features useful for HR include the Inventory settings, Unique setting, and Save & Return. Inventory lets form owners limit the number of results allowed for each choice, and the Unique setting limits an item’s value to only one result. An example using the Unique setting would be a voting form, where each person gets a single vote.

The Save & Return feature lets form users log in to each form and save their progress to complete the result over multiple visits. Using the Bulk Add function for Save & Return accounts lets the form owner add every user to each form to make setting up accounts easy.

Formsite human resources form templates save and return

Using Human Resources Form Templates

  1. Find Human Resources form templates at the Formsite Templates page. Browse the templates there then click the button to Get This Form.
  2. Another way to create a form using a template is to log in to a Formsite account, click the Create New Form button, then review the HR templates. Choose the template to start with and click the button to create a copy in the account.
  3. Using the form editor, add, delete, and edit the form items to customize the form. See the Getting Started video to see how the form editor works.
  4. When the form is complete, find its link on the form’s Share page or use the embed code to display on another site.
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Example Form Templates Show Items, Features, and Logic Examples

Formsite’s new online form templates make it easier than ever to build forms and surveys fast. See the new Example Form templates for examples of form items and popular features. View the templates and copy the form to an existing or new Formsite account.

Formsite example form templates

Some Example Forms include:

The Example Form templates include premade forms showing many popular features and how they work. Listed in the Type category on our Templates page, the example templates let new form owners see how to use items and features.

Formsite example form templates items

Item Example Templates: Items are the parts that make up a form. For example, a Radio Button item is an item containing the question (or label) plus one or more radio buttons next to each answer. Some items are easy to recognize like Dropdown items and Checkbox items, while others are more complex. Calculation items, File Upload items, Rating and Ranking items, and Matrix and Multi-scale items are good examples.

See the All Item Demo for a template that includes every item available, or see the other item example templates for specific items.

Feature Example Templates: Features are actions available to forms or results. Examples include Notifications, Save & Return, Results Filters, Payment Processing and Integrations.

Some features require certain form items, like payment processing requires order form items. Take a closer look at the feature example templates to see how each feature works.

Conditional Logic Example Templates: Rules use conditional logic to trigger actions. Item rules show or hide items based on conditions. Page rules skip forward or repeat pages based on conditions. Notifications also use conditional logic to trigger emails based on answers in the form result.

Formsite example form templates conditional logic

How to Use Online Form Templates

The easiest way to build an online form begins at the Templates page. Choosing a template is as easy as viewing the template and clicking the button to Get This Form.

Another way to find order form templates:

  1. Log in to a Formsite account, click the Create New Form button, then see the Example Form templates.
  2. Choose a template with items or styles like the ones needed, then click the button to start with that template.
  3. Use the form editor to edit the template items and add or delete items as needed.
  4. For form owners new to Formsite or making online forms, see the Getting Started video to see how the form editor works.
  5. Find the form’s link on the Share page and paste into an email or post on a website or social media site for visitors to complete.
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Start a New Business Online with Formsite Forms

Formsite start a new business

Use Formsite’s online form builder to start a new business online. Creating a new brand and selling products and services online is a snap when you use the right tools.

Formsite lets new business owners create fast online forms essential for doing business. Examples include:

How to Use Forms to Start a New Business Online

Formsite start a new business example

The easiest way to sell products or services online is using an online order form. Use pricing items and quantity items, then collect any other information, then enable a payment integration. That’s all that’s necessary to collect orders and begin operations.

Selling services can be as easy as describing the services, setting the rates, then sending or posting the link. Describe the services and post where customers can see them, or email them directly.

Expand the business by adding a contact form to collect names, email addresses, and project requests and orders. Add testimonials and past project descriptions to sell the company’s products and services. Use these forms as landing pages and add links to social media posts, paid ads, etc.

Features That Add Value

  • File Storage: Add File Upload items to forms to collect uploaded documents and files, then access through the Formsite account.
  • Notifications: Receive emails after each form result to stay in touch with orders and customers.
  • Rules & logic: Add logic to forms and Notifications to show and hide form items and direct users through the form using previous answers.
  • Embedding: Use the provided embed code to display the forms on another site. Perfect for website builder services like Wix, WordPress, and Squarespace.
  • Integrations: Send form data to other services to increase productivity and automate processing.
  • Workflow: Design a system of connected forms to automate workflows. Use with approvals, follow-up processes, conditional forms, etc.


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New Templates at Formsite! Browse by Industry & Type

Formsite new templates

Formsite has published a new Templates section at This new section allows anyone to browse pre-made samples for building online forms, order forms, surveys, and many other form types. To use a template, the ‘Get This Form’ button makes a copy in a new or existing account.

The Templates area lists forms by Industry or Type and displays the most popular ones in each category. Each one shows an actual image of the form to help decide which one to choose. Also included is a brief description and possible uses.

The search function lets you search across all categories and returns all matching examples. Try searching by industry, type, name, or any other topics for forms matching your conditions.

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Billions of forms submitted