
Use Google Accounts for Save & Return Users

Formsite Google accounts Save and Return

Formsite’s Save & Return feature lets form visitors create accounts and complete forms over multiple visits. We have recently published some enhancements to the Save & Return process to help modernize the feature. Another addition is the ability to use Google accounts with Save & Return to simplify saving progress.

When form owners enable the Save & Return feature, the form displays a button allowing users to create an account to save their answers. Visitors can then return to the form and log in to load the form with their previous answers prefilled.

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Form Item Settings and How They Work

Formsite item settings example

Building online forms with Formsite’s form builder lets form owners add many kinds of fields and items. There are text fields, multiple choice questions, file upload items, and many other specialty items. The form item settings give form owners control of how the item looks and behaves.

Whether you’re new to Formsite or an experienced form builder, some items may have settings new to you. Other settings appear for many items and are self-explanatory, like the “required” setting.

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Sub-user Login Enhancement for Easier Collaboration

Formsite Sub-user login teamwork

Formsite accounts at the Pro 2 and higher service level have the ability to assign Sub-users. The Sub-user login lets people other than the primary account owner access the Formsite account, forms, and results. This enhancement simplifies the Sub-user login process and reduces the chances for errors when logging in.

The original concept for Sub-users puts them within the primary account umbrella. This required the Sub-user to enter the primary account username to locate the account directory. The logic was that Sub-users would know the primary account, but in reality it meant another username to remember and confirm.

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Email Results Settings, Recipients & Logic Explained

Formsite email results example

Online forms give owners a way to collect answers from form visitors in a convenient structured way. Each item in the form gets its own column in the Results Table and every result creates a new row. Sending the result answers through email gives form owners and visitors a useful record of the submitted result. The settings to email results give form owners ways to apply logic for who receives what information.

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Validation Patterns for Numbers, Text and More

Formsite validation patterns examples

A popular request from form builders is how to set validation patterns for text input fields. For example, with a Short Answer item the form owner can set the Validation setting to collect answers that match a preferred format.

The list of validation patterns includes:

  • Text only
  • Number
  • Alpha-Numeric
  • CC Expiration Date
  • URL
  • Phone Number
  • US Phone Number
  • Currency
  • US Currency ($)
  • Whole Number
  • 12 Hour Time
  • 24 Hour Time
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Enable Specific Weekdays with the Calendar Item

Formsite enable specific weekdays example

Formsite’s Calendar item lets form owners collect dates from a monthly calendar popup. Other settings like minimum and maximum dates and the ‘today’ variable makes the Calendar item powerful already. A recent enhancement now lets the Calendar item disable and enable specific weekdays.

Examples of forms that use the Calendar include:

The Calendar Item

Formsite’s Calendar item has settings that let form owners collect dates in the preferred format. Editing the item shows a format setting with a list of common date formats. The date format automatically shows the selected date in the correct format so it’s saved in the result correctly.

Another setting lets form owners set a minimum and maximum date allowed. For example, entering July 1, 2022 as the min date only allows for choosing that date or a date after. Setting the max setting to Aug 31, 2022 would prevent choosing any dates after.

Formsite enable specific weekdays default value

The ‘today’ variable allows for setting dates relative to the day the visitor is completing the form. A common use for the variable collects the date of the result by adding a Calendar item with the default value set to ‘today’.

Using the variable with modifiers lets form owners set default and min/max dates relative to today. For example, setting the min to ‘today-30’ only allows for entering dates up to 30 days in the past. Setting the max value to ‘today+7’ allows for 1 week from today.

For age restrictions, calculate the number of days like 21*365 to see how many days for a 21-year old (7665). Using that as the max setting on a Calendar item for their birthday allows only those who are 21 years old and older.

Formsite enable specific weekdays settings

Enable Specific Weekdays

The Calendar item recently received an enhancement to let the form owner choose which days of the week to show. That lets form owners only allow days the organization is open, like Monday-Friday.

To disable weekends or any weekday, simply uncheck the box in the Calendar item and those days will not allow selections.

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