
Suppressed Email: Why it Happens and What to Do

Formsite suppressed email example

Formsite online forms let the form owner send emails after receiving form submissions. The Notifications settings send emails to defined addresses or those entered into the form during the submission process. The emails contain a message, or the answers given in the form, or a combination of both. If the email service receives notice of a problem, however, the system may add the address to the suppressed email list.

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Create Custom Notification Results with Pipe Codes

Formsite custom Notification result example

Formsite’s Notifications play a crucial role in keeping stakeholders informed about new form results. Also, visitors may expect receipts or personalized confirmation messages after submitting forms. Formsite enables users to create custom result formats in notifications using pipe codes. See the process of using pipe codes to craft custom Notification results for personalized and dynamic emails.

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Embedded Form Tips and Tricks

Formsite embedded form example

Formsite’s feature for an embedded form makes it easy for form owners to display their forms on their own site. The embed code gives site administrators of all skill levels an easy way to copy and paste a provided code to show their forms. There are some tips and tricks that may be useful for some form owners, like showing the Save & Return signup or login form by default, and displaying the embedded form in a popup window.

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