We make order forms easy with automated totaling, inventory tracking, and payment processing options. There’s no need for a complex ecommerce solution when you can create your own order process with Formsite.
Secure connections (SSL / HTTPS) and extensive reporting are built into every form, while order forms include an additional order review page. Payment processing can be handled on your own or you can integrate with our quick-setup options for PayPal, Braintree, Authorize.net, and Stripe.
Many order form items are available, including standard items with pricing, percentage-based items to add or subtract a percentage to the order, and customizable quantity multipliers and coupon codes. You can also use Calculations in your order form totals.
See our How To article for How to Create an Online Order Form.
Adding items from under the Order Form Items area in the form builder tells the system you’re making an order form. Use pricing items to add prices to item choices, then the system will automatically show the Order Review page after the last page of the form.
Yes, use a Text Quantity item followed by a pricing item for one of the attributes (like size), then the form can automatically calculate the price. The other options that don’t affect the price can be normal Dropdown or Radio Button items.
Yes, you can use the Inventory setting to only allow a specific number of orders.
The Order Summary page uses the same styles as the form and can be modified from the Style -> Customize page. The Order Summary table shows the description of the pricing items on the form. If you want to change the message on the page or the text on the payment buttons, you can do that from the form’s Form Settings -> Custom Text page.
You collect credit card payments by enabling one of the Form Settings -> Payments integrations. The integration collects the card information and processes the payment, so you do not add the credit card fields to your form.
Yes, you can do that using the Pay By Check integration, then customize the instructions on the Form Settings -> Payments -> Pay By Check page and on the Form Settings -> Custom Text page.