Multiple File Uploads Now Enabled For All Accounts

A new feature recently added to all Formsite service levels is the ability for multiple file uploads with a single File Upload item. This feature addition eliminates the previous need to add multiple File Upload items to accommodate multiple file uploads.

This feature enhancement comes as a giant step forward in form usability for customers who require multiple files. Many customers have forms requiring multiple attachments for each form result. Before now, the File Upload item limited each item to one file per upload.

Formsite multiple file uploads

Settings for Multiple File Uploads

Formsite multiple file uploads settingsThe File Upload item now accepts between 1 and 10 files for each upload item.

The Maximum file size setting continues to allow a maximum file size of 100MB per file. The file size setting enables account owners to manage the account’s File Space limit, and the status can be found on the My Forms page in the Account Stats box.

For example: If the File Upload item has a max number of files set to 3 and the max file size set to 20MB, that single item would allow 3 20MB files.

Settings For Existing Forms

Existing forms with File Upload items have limits of 1 file max, which replicates the original item behavior. Newly added File Upload items will also default to 1 file max. Form owners can edit the File Upload item settings to increase the upload limits.

Results Appearance

Formsite multiple file uploads resultsThe links to uploaded files appear in the Results Table and multiple uploaded files appear as links on their own lines. These links appear together in the File Upload item’s column for each result row and can be viewed, downloaded, and deleted separately.


Any integrations that work with the attached files or results will work as expected. For example, the Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and Microsoft OneDrive integrations will copy the files as before, and will continue to use the folder and file naming settings with all copied files.

Questions? Feel free to contact us with any questions about this or any other Formsite feature.

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